

Check out what our happy writers have to say about our program!


Parent Review

“I would not be able to come close to teaching them at home what they’re learning in this writing class with you – plus I’m learning too! You and all the teachers are a real blessing and I will continue sending my children to you as long as I can. Our family finds this class extremely valuable. Thank you for giving your time and energy to our kids!”

Charter School Teacher Review

“This program is great for struggling parents. Maybe they have trouble with a student that will not listen to them, the parent isn’t able to teach the subject and needs help, or they don’t have the right tools in their tool-kit. The Write Journey classes and tutoring works well for all of these situations. I had a high school student that was not able to write at all. He joined the TWJ classes, and was able to write full essays and a research paper. The biggest change was in his confidence, which showed in all of his other subjects as well. It was fabulous!”

Family Review

“The next school semester was, dare I say it, a dream come true! [My child] was happy to get into class to see his teacher and the kids and was happy to show us what he was writing. One semester turned to two, then three, then four. He was growing and even though his writing voice is still developing, and some days are harder to write than others, he is happy. Our son’s favorite part is the end of the semester project.

Some friends have questioned the fact that it is [online and not in person]… I tell them with all confidence that the teachers who work for The Write Journey are skilled and well versed in teaching via [online]. They know how to engage the children and how to spark their thought process. Our son now writes for pleasure which is not something I thought would ever happen. He will sit down and think up stories and share them. He is even starting to write a book with his friend. His reading comprehension has even gotten better and he shares what he learns much more openly.

They have helped calm our homeschool journey… and add such value to our daily life and we cannot thank everyone enough for everything they do to bring out the love of writing in every single kiddo!”

Parent Review

“As a mom of four who has been homeschooling for 14 years, I whole-heartedly endorse The Write Journey writing methods! Both my children and I have greatly benefited from the easy to understand approach: my children have a consistent process which enables them to write clearly and effectively, and I have the understanding to know how to guide and correct them in their writing pursuits. It’s a win-win!”

Homeschool Teacher Review

“TWJ teaches the challenging subject of writing to students in a way that keeps them engaged.  What's even better is that TWJ instills a love for writing too.  The combination of skill and passion have given my students so much confidence not only in their writing progress, but also in the voice that they can now share about topics that they are truly interested in.  I will be honest, my homeschool students find the initial classes to be challenging, but once they press on and gain some skills, they actually want to continue. The greatest difference I have seen in my students is confidence.  Their writing ability clearly increases, but their passion and confidence is what leads me to recommend the magic of TWJ.  I've experienced a lot of writing curriculum in my day and none of it holds a candle to TWJ.  Thank you for helping my students to gain confidence in the area of writing and critical thinking.”

Parent Review

“Not only have I been thoroughly impressed with [my children’s] academic progress, but I am especially pleased that they are all able to do all the assignments independently. My kids have incredible confidence in their own writing abilities. When my children give speeches or presentations for church or other classes they have no problem preparing their own material.”

Parent Review

“This was [my child’s] first live online class, and she has enjoyed it so much. It has amazed me how her writing progressed from your summer class to now. It is a drastic difference. This class also pushed her out of her comfort zone in a good way.  I am so proud of her, and I just want to thank you for being so encouraging to her. She can't wait to start next semester’s class and have you as her teacher again.”

Charter School Teacher Review

“I would highly recommend any students to take classes with The Write Journey because they are comprehensive classes in reading and writing. It teaches students to read a novel and how to annotate and then respond in writing to the reading. This is exactly what you would get in a college prep high school class. I have not found anything more enriching for homeschool students. For elementary students it helps them learn the writing process and become more confident in writing. The teachers are caring and communicate expectations and standards well. They care well for students and are kind and fair.”

Homeschool Mom Review