Quality writing instruction for homeschool families.
As a homeschool parent, you face many challenges: a busy family, endless distractions, and a fire hose of “new ideas.”
We get it. We’ve been there ourselves. And we’re here to support you and help your children reach their fullest potential as writers, readers, and critical thinkers.
Let’s take The Write Journey together and empower the next generation to change the world with words.
We believe that good teaching is practical, clear, and critical, and we’re here to provide that.
Our classes help students think critically, improve their
writing skills, and develop an appreciation for classic literature.
Our students spend the entire 12-week class studying one novel and reading this novel will be an “experience” for your child.
Looking for key terms such as plot, protagonist, conflicts, theme, etc., students annotate and read with a wondering mind.
The live, virtual classroom structure provides the perfect opportunity for developing listening, communication, and note-taking skills.
Quality, not quantity. Our students learn about organization, content, style, and grammar, one well-crafted sentence at a time.
Our students exercise their creativity and practice public speaking by sharing an oral presentation as well as a creative visual project.
Homework assignments develop important life skills and each student receives personalized feedback on their work.
Watch this introduction to The Write Journey
and check out this review.
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