Elementary Writing Foundations Handbook


Elementary Writing Foundations Handbook


This handbook is the foundation for all instruction we provide. It is written for parents and teachers who desire to learn essential practical writing steps and strategies to teach their children. These writing steps and strategies are designed to develop critical thinking and effective communication by breaking down the writing process into four practical steps: brainstorming to gather quality ideas, outlining to organize ideas, writing a rough draft to create complete sentences, and rewriting to create interesting and correct sentences. Each step includes specific insights and applications to ultimately find success and confidence in writing. At TWJ, students learn to write better before they learn to write more.

We offer two levels of handbooks and student lesson guides. “Elementary” level is for the youngest students with the target age group being 3-6th. The “Intermediate” level is the next level with the target age group being 7th-9th. While we have identified the “target age group” for these products, we strongly recommend every household have a copy of every level. The elementary level teaches a single paragraph, which is the foundation of any composition, regardless of the length. The intermediate level will move students into multi-paragraph composition writing by teaching how to write body paragraphs of an essay. The intermediate level guide is also very beneficial for ALL high school students who desire to boost their writing skills. 

While we do sell our handbooks separately, the handbooks and student lesson guides are companion guides, and used together students and adults will find greater success in mastering the writing strategies we teach. Bundling items allows the buyer to find the best discounts.

We guarantee that our simple, straight-forward handbooks and guides will improve your child’s ability to read and write and increase your ability to teach these skills. Every digital handbook purchase comes with a free virtual learning session to teach you how to maximize our methods in your homes and communities.

We invite you to join us and register for one of our info sessions by clicking here. You're not obligated to join, but we hope you will because, at The Write Journey, you’re not just purchasing a product; you're becoming a part of a community.

TWJ Elementary Student Lesson Guide is the student companion to this parent handbook.

Each family is required to own a copy of the Elementary Writing Foundations Handbook when your elementary age child is taking our classes or using our tutoring services.

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What grade levels is this handbook written for?

The target age group is 3rd-6th graders, although both younger and older students may benefit from the writing steps and strategies contained in this handbook. As the companion to this handbook, our Elementary level Student Lesson Guide is designed for students to work through.

Is this a workbook or a teacher’s manual?

This is not a workbook or manual but rather, a guide for parents and teachers to glean critical thinking and essential study skills. This is a practical instructional guide for parents and teachers, providing them with insight and direction as they teach quality writing skills to their children and students.

Can I order a hard copy of the handbook?

Not at this time. For now, as with all of our products, this is a digital download only.

If I have questions or desire additional instruction after reading the handbook, what are my options?

We are a highly relational organization. We will always do our best to meet the needs of our students and their parents. With that in mind, we can suggest a few options to receive personalized instruction as you learn the skills in the handbook:

  1. Attend our free info sessions to learn more about our classes, products, and other services!

  2. Request mentoring from a trained instructor.

  3. If you have a simple question, simply send a message to our home office.

Why are all families with students in your online classes required to purchase a handbook?

We partner with parents (and other adults) to bring quality writing instruction to students. As we partner with other adults, it is imperative that all parties understand the foundational concepts that will be taught. In this way, students receive the best support possible.