TWJ Intermediate Bundle
TWJ Intermediate Bundle
The 'Intermediate" level guides are only available to purchase as a bundle. This bundle includes:
TWJ Intermediate Writing Foundations Handbook ($29.95 value)
TWJ Intermediate Writing Foundations Student Lesson Guide ($29.95 value)
TWJ Blending Literature With Writing Guide (
$29.95FREE with the purchase of any bundle )
We guarantee that our simple, straight-forward handbooks and guides will improve your child’s ability to read and write and increase your ability to teach these skills. Every digital product(s) purchase comes with a free virtual learning session to teach you how to maximize our methods in your homes and communities. We invite you to join us and register for one of our info sessions here. You're not obligated to join, but we hope you will because, at The Write Journey, you’re not just purchasing a product; you're becoming a part of a community.
What ages/grades is the intermediate level Student Lesson Guide designed for?
Typically, students 12 years and older will be capable of working through this lesson guide independently. Older students will move through the instruction more quickly than younger students. However, no student should rush through the guide; they will benefit from thoroughly understanding and practicing each lesson.
Is there a teacher’s manual to go with the student guide?
Parents will benefit from reading through the Writing Foundations Handbook (included in this bundle), which provides essential information that enables them to assist their children. In addition, all instructions and examples provided are designed to be self-explanatory. Parents will benefit from reading through each lesson as their child works through the Student Lessn Guide.
How do I correct my child’s work?
“Correction” comes in the form of feedback. As each lesson requires students to apply concepts to their own writing, parents will simply offer feedback regarding following instructions correctly, observing and affirming improvement in their child’s writing, and correcting their child if they notice lack of effort in following instructions and applying concepts.
How many lessons are included in the Student Lesson Guide?
The lesson guide has twelve lessons. Each lesson is designed to be practiced for one week. Of course this timing can vary greatly, depending on the abilities of the student. We DO NOT want students rushing through the lesson guide.They simply will not learn the concepts well if they rush.
What will my child learn about writing in the Student Lesson Guide?
This guide covers many foundational aspects of writing, including the following:
The four steps in the writing process: brainstorm, outline, rough draft, and final draft, with each step being taught in detail.
The rewrite process, which is taught thoroughly so students learn how to create quality writing, beginning with awesome sentences.
Grammar, which is taught in the context of actual writing, making the lesson relevant and beneficial to improve the student’s overall writing ability.
Do I need to supplement with other writing curricula?
This lesson guide focuses on real writing, weaving in grammar and spelling in the process. Parents may choose to include more spelling instruction and/or grammar instruction and drill work.
What does my child work on after they complete the twelve lessons in the study guide?
After students complete the lesson guide, they are ready to continue writing great paragraphs for all of their school assignments. They may also choose to join one of our online Reading & Writing classes where they will receive ongoing feedback from the instructor. From time to time they will also benefit from working through the lesson guide again for a refresher.
Do I need to purchase a Student Lesson Guide for each of my children?
NO! When you purchase one Student Lesson Guide for your family, any number of individuals may use it. Please do not share with others outside of your own family.
Does each family in our co-op need to purchase a Student Lesson Guide?
YES! Our policy allows families to purchase one downloadable product to use for their entire family. Each family within a co-op must purchase their own Student Lesson Guide for their family.