Looking Ahead


Why do we need to continue in classes after the Writing Foundations class is complete? We encourage students to continue on their writing journey after they complete the Writing Foundations class because: who learns every element of writing after only 12 weeks?  Language is complicated, and so are our thoughts and insights. Therefore, we must practice, practice, practice.  Our Reading and Writing classes are divided into two parts.  In the writing portion of class, we discuss how best to communicate our thoughts and messages by practicing the following in our own paragraphs as well as our practice sentences. 

  • Making sure each sentence fulfills it’s purpose

  • Using strong vocabulary

  • How to change our sentence structure

The other half of class is spent learning to analyze literature by reading it slowly. Literary discussions in the younger classes include devices such as, but not limited to:

  • Parts of a story

  • Annotate important aspects of character development

  • Chart other topics brought up in the novel 

In the older classes they look at the complex literary devices, such as:

  • The author’s craft or methods

  • Themes 

  • Point of view

We discuss these using specific examples in our novels and other novels we have read in the past. By learning to relate our novel studies to the outside world, we endeavor to think critically and apply these skills to other areas of study. 


Spring classes registration is open in early November!

If you plan to enroll your student in spring semester classes, you will find the novel info here, and there is a link to take you to the class schedule. Whether you want your child in a reading & writing class, or a Writing Foundations course, the website lists all of the days and times.
Click here for more info (article link)

Reading & Writing Class Details:

Primary Level:

1/2 Grade Reading & Writing Novel(s):
The Courage of Sarah Noble and by Alice Dalgliesh

Elementary Level:

3/4 Grade Reading & Writing

The Bears of Hemlock Mountain

Ben and Me: An Astonishing Life of Benjamin Franklin by His Good Mouse Amos

by Robert Lawson

5/6 Grade Reading & Writing

Amos Fortune: Free Man

By Elizabeth Yates

Intermediate Level:

7/8 Grade Reading & Writing
Carry on, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham

Advanced Level:

HS Reading & Essay Writing
Various Short Stories (Early American history) by American Authors

Including The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

College Prep Reading & Essay Writing

The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne


The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Writing Only Courses:

If your child has not had formal writing instruction from our instructors, this course is the starting place for your student. The courses are arranged according to the Learning Level and age range of the student. Please contact the office if you have questions. 916-696-1759


Writing Foundations 13- Elementary Level- Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am pst/12:30-2:30 pm est


Writing Foundations 13- Intermediate Level- Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am pst/12:30-2:30 pm est


Formal Academic Essay Writing- Wednesdays 9:30-11:00 am pst/ 12:30-2:00 pm est


While the word ‘project’ may invoke hesitations, at The Write Journey, we see a project is an opportunity. In our classes, instructors assign an Enrichment Project (EP) as a way for students to explore a specific part of the story that interests them. EPs come in all varieties. What appeals to one may not interest another. However, students often enjoy the projects so much that they eagerly await the final weeks of each semester to begin a new EP. They anticipate the chance to pull out their artistic natures to use glue sticks, paints, baking supplies, costume making skills, and other various creative methods. This is a win for everyone!

After all, isn’t it true that we learn so much by stepping away from the typical learning rhythms. We find benefits from stretching beyond our comfort zone. Reaching beyond the norms. Trying a new skill. Learning a new topic. Writing in a new style. The beauty of the word ‘project’ is in the opportunity. When I take on a project at home, I rarely feel totally equipped, yet I love the aspect of learning to try something new. In fact, the finished product brings a sense of wonder and satisfaction to me. The bonuses lie in the gains of new layers of skills and understanding. The goal need not be perfection, which feels too stressful to me. Instead, I appreciate the process of growth. I even see a bit of a project in me. I hope our readers find a new possible project in the pages of their reading, whatever it is. If it interests the reader, it may just be worth exploring in a deeper way. Happy discoveries!

Watch for the next newsletter that will highlight some Enrichment Projects from our classes. Also, feel free to share YOUR family projects on our social media. Let’s celebrate our wonderful homeschooling opportunities together.

TWJ Classes Provide Instruction in Language Arts for All Ages & Stages

This semester, we offer several course options including our Writing-Only courses, Reading & Writing classes for each grade level & training for Adults that want to learn to teach our materials to their own children or their educational community. Here is a rundown of each writing class option, each grade level’s novel & the focus for the first semester for our Adult Training Program (ATP).

Writing Only:

Writing Foundations Levels 1, 2 and 3

This course teaches either paragraph writing for students grades 3-6, or multi-paragraph instruction for students grades 7-9. Students will work through the TWJ Writing Foundations Handbook under our instructors, learning the 4-step writing process used in every one of our classes. This is the starting point for many students that simply need to learn how to write an academic response paper.

Formal Academic Essay Writing

This course is for High School students that want or need to learn the essay writing process, a varilong with various types of essays written in the high school level prompts. This 12 week course will also teach the basics of the MLA writing format. This is the starting point for high schoolers that are joining our classes for the first time.

Reading & Writing Classes by Grade Level

Blending Great Literature with Writing
These classes are 12-week classes that study an age appropriate, award winning novel, and students write about prompts related to the class’ book. Students further practice and develop the skills learned in our writing-only classes. The end of each semester focuses on Enrichment Projects to enhance each novel’s genre or focus.

Remember that students in grades 5/6 and up must have completed either the previous grade Reading & Writing class, or the Writing Foundations levels 1&2 class to enroll. Students may join this Reading & Writing course in the spring semester after learning the Writing Foundations Handbook in classes or tutoring.


1/2 grade Reading & Writing

Fall Novel- My Father’s Dragon

Spring Novels- The Courage of Sarah Noble and The Bears of Hemlock Mountain

 3/4 Grade Reading & Writing

Fall Novel- The Cricket in Times Square

Spring Novels- Ben and Me

5/6 Grade Reading & Writing

Fall Novel- My Side of the Mountain

Spring Novels- Amos Fortune- Free Man

7/8 Grade Reading & Writing
Fall Novel- The Bronze Bow

Spring Novels- Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

9-12 Grade Reading & Writing
Fall Novel- The Scarlet Pimpernel

Spring Novels- American Short Stories (Early American History)

 11&12 Grade (College Prep)Reading & Writing

Fall Novel- Oliver Twist

Spring Novels- The Scarlet Letter

Adult Training Program:

This course teaches parents through the TWJ Writing Foundations Handbook, which is our writing process used in every single class we teach. Adults may want to grow in the skills to instruct their own children in writing and literature, or they may desire the training to offer writing classes in small groups, co-op classes, or pods. ATP students learn our teaching content, methods, and how to support students with encouraging evaluations that help them progress in this invaluable subject! Join us for this 12 week course. To learn more, use the link below.

  • Fall Semester - TWJ Handbook Training for Expanded Paragraph Writing

  • Spring Semester - Blending Literature and Writing or Multi-Paragraph Writing Instruction