‘Tis the season of “Thanksgiving”. With all the warmth and good feelings that come with this season-- fall colors, yummy food, family gatherings, cooler temperatures and crackling fireplaces-- perhaps the most significant focus of this season is “THANKFULNESS”. On some level we understand the focus of this season, but if we’re being honest, we may be experiencing some added anxiety as we venture further into November. So let’s take a few minutes to refocus and speak life into this season:

  •  Each day I will choose to verbally acknowledge something I am grateful for . . . and nothing is too insignificant to express gratitude for it.

    •  A hot bath

    •  A cup of coffee with some added whip cream on top

    •  A rainy day that waters the ground and calls for crafts, baking or games

    •  Family to gather with and share a meal

    •  Read aloud time with my children

    •  ONE job well done (dishes, laundry, homework, etc.)

    •  A nature walk, filled with fresh, crisp air and pretty changing colors

    •  A friend who understands

  •  As I model gratitude, I will affirm my children when they too verbalize what they are grateful for. (This might be a fun sticker chart with a reward.)

  •  As we work to complete our school work, we will find ways to weave in acts of gratitude:

    • Write and decorate cards to give to grandparents, new neighbors, or friends (language arts: writing and creating)

    •  Bake a batch of goodies (or a meal) to share . . . just because you care (math and measuring)

    • Serve at a local food bank or other non-profit organization - remembering how grateful we are for all our provisions (community service)

 Even when I feel overwhelmed, I will speak life by giving thanks, knowing that this small act will shift my mindset, and sometimes even my circumstances.

Of course I know that nothing I’ve written is new or profound. Since the beginning of human existence, gratitude has been a choice . . . a perspective. Humans get to choose to be grateful or to grumble. It’s pretty simple, but it’s not easy. When we communicate and act from a grateful perspective, we elevate it to top priority in our lives. It’s easy to get out of the habit of choosing a grateful perspective, and that’s why we get to speak life into our circumstances this time each year.

I pray that you are excited about this season, and your mind is spinning with opportunities to bless others out of a place of gratitude. Search the internet using “random acts of kindness”, and within 5 minutes you’ll be overwhelmed with ideas. Just remember: the goal is to use gratitude to bless YOURSELF, your family, and others. Just one little act and/or word will bless. As you bless others, you will be blessed.

I’m grateful for YOU!

Speaking life, Kris C.