Hello Everyone! My name is Emily Allen and I am the media manager for The Write Journey. I am honored to be part of this fantastic group of women that make up The Write Journey Team.

Anything you might see on our Facebook and Instagram page is written and created by yours truly. If you know me even just a little, you will quickly see how humorous it is that I have an actual title as a social media manager. I am one of the least tech savvy people you will meet, but where my ability lacks, my determination will make up the difference!

I have been married to my husband, Daniel, for ten years and we have three daughters, ages 8, almost 7 and 5. Our family currently lives in Northern CA, but we recently sold our home, and we are embarking on a move to Arkansas very soon! Like many of you, I am a new homeschooling mom since last October, and, again like so many of you, I found myself wondering if I’m doing this whole homeschool thing right!

I first met Kris Cordell when I was attending a local MOPS group, and she was a mentor for our leadership team. All it took was a hot cup of tea in our hands, homemade scones, (you must have Kris’ homemade scones), and, while sitting in cozy chairs, we chatted for hours about life, motherhood, and leadership. I quickly realized that Kris was one of those women that had immense amounts of wisdom and life was continually providing opportunities for our paths to cross.

When we first met, I was a new mom to three little girls ranging from newborn to 3.5 years. The last thing I had on my mind was homeschooling. Although I knew Kris was a seasoned homeschool mom, it didn’t occur to me that she would later be one of my biggest cheerleaders for a journey I would embark on nearly three years later. Let’s be honest, a homemade scone and some uninterrupted sleep was all I was focused on!

Fast forward two years and at that point I was getting a bit more sleep and my eldest daughter was attending elementary school. In addition, since my passion for event planning, floral design and home design/decor cannot be squelched, I began spending some hours building my design business. No matter how much I might have on my plate, I always find myself being drawn back to these passions.

Because I am a freelance, self taught “designer”, I needed an outlet to share projects and the work that I was doing with clients, as well as the work I was doing in our own home. So, at the ripe old age of 35, I created my first Instagram account. From my personal account, I learned a lot of the ins and outs of social media, like algorithms and how to build community. This knowledge would later be very helpful to me in my future position with TWJ. Small beginnings, and the simple faith from a friend, is how I landed here!

So, here I am, and life looks very different . . . in the best of ways. I am homeschooling all three of my girls, now in third grade, first grade and kindergarten. But that’s not all: I am embarking on a huge move, building my design business slowly but surely, and I have the opportunity to work for one of the best homeschooling companies around.

I am continually amazed by the way God orchestrates our lives, bringing people and relationships that prepare us for the road ahead. Of all the things I love about working for “The Write Journey”, the relationships and community that I have gained is one of the greatest gifts of all. I know that at the end of the day, what we all need most is to know there is someone in our corner cheering us on.

We are rooting for you. You can do what is before you, and you can do it well!

Written by: Emily Allen