September is here and life is in high gear for all of us. Isn’t it exciting? If we’re being honest, I’m guessing some moments feel exciting and many others already feel overwhelming, and that’s okay. As you begin the new school year, remember to speak life:

  •  “This school year is going to be filled with special memories as we all learn together.”

  •  “While we work on learning academics, we will remember to model and praise the character qualities (servanthood, kindness, perseverance, etc.) that shape who we are becoming.”

  •  “We choose to hold our expectations (for ourselves and our children) loosely, knowing that ultimately we are NOT in charge of everything (or anything really).”

Wow! Those are some amazing and true statements, and they will bring life to your educational journey this school year. Speak it. Believe it.

I am thrilled that you are bravely putting one foot in front of the other, even if that means jumping right into your own version of your favorite comedy show. Perspective matters. Oftentimes, we begin a new school year with great plans and expectations, then 2 hours in (or maybe 2 days in if you’re type A), reality hits. This is not failure. This is real. It’s family life. You can choose to smile, speak life, and carry on.

But what about lesson plans and upcoming exams and keeping up with the smartest family in our co-op? These are real thoughts aren’t they? Perhaps it appears silly as you read them here, but I know these thoughts. I’ve had these thoughts, and I’ve heard them from many of you. At The Write Journey, we have a philosophy that is based on the 80/20 Rule (also known as the Pareto Principle). Here is a quote from our writing handbook, which we use to teach our writing methods:

“The 80/20 Rule is simply an observation that states, ‘most things in life are not distributed evenly.’ Often we find that ‘20% of the input creates 80% of the result’. What this means practically is that ‘you can focus your effort on the 20% that makes a difference, instead of the 80% that doesn’t add much.’” (Quotes by Kalid Azad)

Since we can’t do everything well, we benefit from focusing the majority of our energy and resources on the aspects of life and education that really matter. Perhaps you’re thinking, “Wait. Is this true? My children don’t have to “master” everything?” No, they don’t. In fact, that is an impossible standard and expectation. I want to encourage you to apply some wisdom in light of this truth: begin your school year with an understanding of what YOUR priorities are. This is your 20%.

Detailed lesson plans may (or may not) line up with these priorities. Attending every social activity that your family is invited to may not either. Memorizing the names of all the presidents in order? Earning “A”s on every assignment? Making your bed every morning? You get the idea. We have so many choices. We must choose well. I encourage you to look for your family’s 20% and work towards mastery of that. Weave in the rest as you are able. It may surprise you to know that we do the same when it comes to teaching writing.

I know that you are choosing well because you’re taking your family life and your children’s education seriously. You’re making it a priority. You’re filling your mind with truth and life. This is going to be a great school year for you and your children! Declare it! Choose it!

Let me know if the 80/20 Rule helps you prioritize the choices and opportunities that come your way. Does it empower you to know that your children can’t “master” everything, but mastering 20% will result in success?

If I could, I’d relax in a comfy chair right beside you, and I’d enter into your world, speaking life specifically to your unique situation. But for now, I pray you’ll join me from a distance and send me your thoughts when you have a curious question or serious concern. Connect with me at krispeakslife@gmail.com, and don’t forget to speak life today.

Speaking life, Kris C.