New Beginnings. That’s what we get to ponder and plan for as we enter 2022. Do you, like me, ever feel a bit (or a lot) anxious about GOOD things in your life? That’s where I find myself at the beginning of this new year: excited and anxious all at the same time. So I get to take a deep breath, find a quiet space, and make some choices about this new year. To quell the anxiety and manage the excitement, I tell myself:

  • Because He loves me, my Creator has wonderful plans for me and my family this year.

  • This year I will choose to find the little joys in each and every day, being careful not to let them go unnoticed in the midst of the busyness.

  • If I don’t get everything done today (or this year), there is always tomorrow (or next year). I cancel the panic.

  • People and relationships matter the most, so I will choose

    •  To engage

    • To listen

    •  To serve

    • To forgive

  •  A little organization goes a long way, so I will pick three ways each day to bring order to our household. (Make a simple list of only 3 things each day.) I can’t do it all, but I can be intentional about doing something.

  •  When my plans get interrupted (and they will - every day), I will whisper “Thank You” for something . . . anything (fresh snow, a giggle, fresh baked cookies, etc.).

  •  I believe this year holds some of the best memories ever for our family.

  •  This year I cancel negativity and declare LIFE.

    As I enjoy an extended stay with my grandchildren, I am reminded of the wonderful challenges of family life with littles. Even though I adore these little blessings as much as (if not more than) my own four children, I regularly find myself exhausted and completely spent at the end of the day. These days remind me of days gone by. They remind me of my young friends who are in the thick of it: Every. Single. Day. Can I just say, “It IS worth it. You WILL get through. Memories of the hard times will fade.”New beginnings also reminds me of a quote from Anne of Green Gables: “Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it...well with no mistakes in it yet.” Yep. That’s real life.

We will make mistakes, and our children will make mistakes, but tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it. Thank God for New Beginnings.

Speaking life, Kris

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