Feeling the Need for a Break in Your Routine?

Often, life is filled with routines and responsibilities, and we can find joy and pleasure even in the familiar. We may not call these routines and responsibilities “fun”, but we can learn to accomplish them with confidence and ease, and we can enjoy the results of a job well done. But now and then – even for the most “routine” of us – we do something different . . . something fun . . . something creative. For our students, this is their “Enrichment Project”.

After several weeks learning to write academic response writing paragraphs and essays, students get to practice a different type of writing – often a creative writing project:

  • Write an epilogue to the story

  • Write a letter to one of the characters

  • Create your own fantasy and decide the characters, setting, plot, climax, etc.

  • Write a newspaper article telling about one of the main events in the story

  • Create a brochure to promote a vacation destination to a place in the story

  • And so many more!!

What does a creative break in your routine look like? It could be anything. Create. Relax. Explore. Enjoy. Like our students who share their enrichment project with their classmates, share your “creative break” with someone: your co-op friends, your family, your community. No matter how simple, and seemingly silly, do it . . . and share it. We would love for you to share it with us too. The Write Journey Community loves to celebrate and share ideas and experiences together. Click here to join our Facebook group.

Speaking life, Kris