It’s December. I what wonder what that means for you:

  •  Crazy busy stress

  •  A welcome break in the routine

  •  A meaningful focus on priorities in life

  •  Fun, family, food

  •  $$$$$

  •  Time with the ones you love

  •  Oppressive expectations from others

 Etc., etc., etc.

I would love to hear what December brings for you. I hope it puts a smile on your face and a spark in your heart. I hope you are able to look and think past the hustle and bustle that may usher in anxiety, and instead choose to focus on the people and the opportunities in order that you might enjoy them – your loved ones, even strangers. But if it’s hard, perhaps a small shift in your perspective or your choices will help this year.

When I was homeschooling our four children, I eagerly awaited the arrival of December. Actually, if I’m being honest, I eagerly awaited the arrival of Thanksgiving because then everything in our household shifted for the remainder of the calendar year. How did it shift? I chose to set aside lists and focus on relaxation and heart-warming moments:

  •  Family movies together

  •  Crafts - even some homemade gifts

  •  Warm, soft, comfy clothes

  •  Sleepovers and staying up late and sleeping in

  •  Plenty of baking - all the family favorites along with an occasional attempt at

    something new

  •  Hot chocolate and toast

  •  Reading together and playing together (or alone for my introvert)

  •  Weaving in reminders about the true meaning of Christmas

  •  A beautiful Christmas choral concert that our children participated in

  •   And the climax was a week at Grandpa and Grandma’s home in the Sierra


BUT WAIT!!! What about school? Yes, we wove in a bit of reading and writing -- the fun stuff. And the children worked on math lessons “most” days. But the “learning” came naturally. Oh the memories … Now I get to enjoy the same heart-warming moments with my grandchildren.

The holiday season is a special time of year. I pray you find the things that warm your heart, and allow yourself to bask in the joy of the season – even in the midst of the busyness, and sometimes the chaos. Make simple choices that will create special memories as you embrace and enjoy the season. I promise, your children will “learn” much. Welcome December.

Speaking life, Kris