Welcome to The Write Journey community! You may be checking us out for the first time, or perhaps you’ve been a part of our community for years. Either way, we welcome the opportunity to connect with you.

You may (or may not) be aware of the changes that we are working to bring you. Some of these changes include exploring new ways to connect with each other, as well as sticking with the tried and true ways. I hope you follow us on Instagram & Facebook. You can click the icons below to get to our social media pages!

Emily does an amazing job finding fun tidbits of educational information to share. For example, this week she introduced us to a new word: kuchisabishii. I would love to hear you try to even pronounce the word! It’s a Japanese word that means “when you’re not hungry, but you eat because your mouth is lonely”. Who can’t relate to that?! What an inviting opportunity to have fun learning with your children . . . from attempting to pronounce the word, to identifying what part of speech it is (verb), to using it in conversation. “I think I want to kuchisabishii right now. (Interpretation: I want to eat now, not because I’m hungry, but because my mouth is lonely.”) “Mom, can we kuchisabishii some cookies and milk?” “You may kuchisabishii, but be sure to eat healthy food.” Who knew learning could be so fun . . . and so funny.

As we build community, our creative ideas will spill over to others. As we share, we will experience just how fun and natural learning can be. In fact, once each year we offer fun enrichment classes online. If your children have never experienced any of our classes, now might be a great time to give that a try. We have just posted our enrichment classes for the spring, and everyone is welcome to join these classes. We have something for students in every learning level. Our enrichment classes are often designed to enrich the learning experience, but they do not require the same dedication to completing homework assignments as our reading and writing classes do. Take a look at our “spotlight” post or click below to learn more about our classes for more details about this exciting opportunity for your children.

I want to leave you with a challenge:

At least once this week, identify and write down one (or more) fun, unexpected learning opportunities your family experienced . . . and hopefully enjoyed. Then share those experiences with us and with your educational community and friends.

I believe you desire to create an educational learning environment in your home beginning today. We’re here to help you.