During the month of February we often find ourselves thinking about relationships. We might even go the extra mile to remind our loved ones how much we love them. We might enjoy date nights, sweet treats, fun cards, cute pink and red crafts and decorations. Celebrating brings joy. I hope you have felt extra loved and affirmed this month, and I hope you have enjoyed showering others with small acts of love and kindness. It makes me smile to think of all the ways families have fun expressing love and building strong relationships.

At The Write Journey, we intentionally work to foster relationships too. We understand the road you are on: ups and downs, bumps and cracks, high speeds and slow spots, blind curves and unexpected road closures . . . it’s an adventure. I wonder how we can speak life into you and into your relationships.

  •  Who I am matters more than what I do.

  •  Souls live forever, so I give myself permission to invest resources - time, energy, money, words, hugs, etc. - into the souls that have been entrusted to me for a season.

  •  I choose to be grateful for friends and family, who bless me/us in many little ways and even a few gigantic ways.

  •  Even on days/moments when I feel overwhelmed, I can slow down enough to recharge so I have what it takes to love well.

  •  Today I will look for opportunities to hold hands, give hugs, smile, listen, and enjoy life’s little pleasures . . . with others.

After the “school years” have come and gone, the relationships will remain. There is a real temptation to fill our lives with To Do lists, lesson plans, keeping up with . . . fill in the blank. So when you’re not sure when to say “yes” and when to say “Thanks, but not this time”, perhaps taking a few seconds to reflect on relationships will help tip the scale one way or the other.

Let me know how we can grow in relationship with you and your family as we put one foot in front of the other . . . together.

Speaking life, Kris