Ready, Set, Go

It’s time for some encouragement. You may be excited about the new school year, or you may be dreading it, but I want to encourage you . . . you are not alone. Along with so many organizations, we are here to support you.

  • We will happily teach your children through live classes or tutoring (including correcting their homework).

  • We will teach you through our ATP (Adult Training Program) seminars so you are better equipped and more confident to bring quality language arts instruction to your home and/or co-op.

  • We invite you to join our monthly webinars to learn more about our philosophy and the products we offer, or to find encouragement when you attend our “Community Connections” webinars where we discuss specific educational pain points for families who are homeschooling.

  • We encourage you to join our “The Write Journey” private FaceBook group where you can ask any questions and learn from others’ questions and comments about teaching quality reading and writing.

Be encouraged: you and your children are not alone!

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, you have permission to simplify. SIMPLIFY. The beginning of the school year may seem like a strange time to encourage this, but I remember how overwhelming AND exciting the beginning of a new school year felt. Perhaps you plan to ease into the new school year, rather than jumping in with every subject on every day of the school week. I encourage you to start strong with reading, writing, and math; then weave in or add the next subject when you and your children are ready. Remember: find joy in creating a learning environment, rather than living under the burden of the “To Do” list . . . or the “Lesson Plans”. These lists and plans are there to help you, but when they feel burdensome, lighten your load. 

Like many of you, I remember feeling ready once again for a routine in the fall, after a “break from the routine” over the summer months. Set yourself (and your children) up for success by expecting a simple routine. SIMPLE. ACHIEVABLE. Include chores and family rhythms into your plan. Homeschooling is not “doing school at home”, but it is weaving a plan/routine into your daily lives, with times of intentional learning alongside playful learning.

One year older and one year wiser, right? That is the goal. Have fun along the way because “learning” brings JOY! Don’t ever lose sight of that truth. Even if it’s hard work, the very nature of learning brings joy.

Speaking life,
