Summer is in full swing, so why do I feel a bit of panic in my soul? Perhaps you know what I’m talking about. This is the time to sleep a little more, plan FUN outings with friends, play, create, relax . . . enjoy life. So why the unrest? I imagine there are many possible explanations, but for me, that “feeling” often brings an opportunity to pause and consider my choices. In particular, choices about what to set my mind upon.

Like most busy moms (and women in general), I appreciate a break from routine. And summer brings that break: a welcome change. While extremes like complete freedom and spontaneity, or extreme planning and scheduling, will likely set us up for disappointment, setting our minds on reasonable expectations for these fun summer months reflects wisdom. Sounds good, but what does that mean practically? Consider setting your mind on these thoughts this summer:

I’m intentionally seeking balance in each day

  • Some rest and some work

  •  Something new and something familiar

  •  Time together with family and friends, and time alone

  •  A lot of praise and affirmation, along with some correction and discipline

    (as needed)

  •  Tasty treats and healthy meals

  •  Toys and nature

  •  Getting dirty and washing off

  • A plan . . . with some flexibility built in

Setting our minds on balance helps to reign in our expectations. Consider one true statement that you would like to be able to make at the end of this summer season:

  • “We feel refreshed.”

  • “We created some awesome memories.”

  • “We finished that project.”

  •  “We enjoyed the outdoors.”

  • “We visited a new place.”

  • “We loved each other well.”

    Now plan accordingly. Attempting to do it all brings those feelings of panic. Even halfway into the summer, we can assess our expectations and desires, and intentionally seek balance every day, as we choose what to set our minds upon.

    Speaking life, Kris