The end of the school year brings the long awaited season of rest, relaxation, and recuperation. For many, this means vacation. Others may choose a stay-cation, especially with the cost of gasoline. No matter where your family finds themselves this summer, we hope some reading materials are close-at-hand; what better way to while away some free time?

I personally enjoy picking up a couple novels I had to set aside until I had time enough to sit and enjoy them. I also read in preparation for the next school year, so I will try to reread as many of the novels taught in all of our classes. One thing is certain- if I do not plan in advance to read, I may not make the time available.

I live in a humid climate, so mid-afternoons offer an excellent window for choosing to stay indoors in the air-conditioned house. However, I have also been known to bring a book along to the water’s edge at a lake or even in a boat! I simply use a one-gallon or two-gallon sized ziplock bag that is big enough to lay the book open and turn pages with some effort. The extra work is worth it to me. What a way to enjoy new adventures, think deeply, or get lost in an old favorite.

Some other options include heading over to the local library, where you may sit and read in a quiet place. You may also try that new coffee shop or cafe. Also, don’t forget to take along a book during an extended drive (my daughter believes there is ample time to read in a 5-10 minute car ride), as long as you don’t get too carsick. Audio books work in car rides as well, and many library memberships allow one to borrow these options.

However you decide to enjoy the three ‘R’s’, I hope you find yourself with a book in hand. Remember to share your new titles in our social media pages!