How many of us take time to learn from each other? I don’t know about you, but oftentimes I find my hours and minutes so filled with my thoughts, feelings, needs, and experiences that I neglect to engage with others. That means entering into their world and considering their struggles alongside their happiness. Not only can we enter into our friend’s and family’s lives, but we can enter into the lives of characters in books! As a community, we have learned much by living life alongside the characters in stories we read.

I admit, I oftentimes struggle to read for “pleasure” or “entertainment”, but when I do, I find so many benefits:

  • I engage my imagination

  • I learn about new places and experiences

  • I consider new ideas

  • I solve different problems (or I am reminded that I CAN’T solve all problems)

  • I meet new people

  • I consider life from other perspectives

  • I recognize universal truths about life

  • I find more gratitude

  • I think

  • I relax

Oh that we all would put down . . . you name it . . . the phone, the TV controls, the car keys, even the dishes and the vacuum . . . and relax with a great book! Just for a couple hours each week. Perhaps you already do this, and you need some affirmation. Entering into your characters’ world for a couple hours each week feeds your soul. Or perhaps you, like me, struggle to find the time and make reading for pleasure a priority in your life. Now is as good a time as any to make a choice to make pleasure reading a priority.

It’s often helpful to work together, afterall, that’s what “community” is all about. I would love to hear from you if you’re interested in a TWJ book club for adults - just reading a book together and meeting a couple times to discuss it. I’m always up for doing life “together”. Together we bring accountability and depth of insight. So send me a message (krisspeakslife@gmail.com), and we’ll make a plan to enjoy reading “in community”. Or perhaps you’re already in a book club. I’d love to hear from you too.

Let’s hop on our TWJ Facebook group and encourage each other.

Speaking life, Kris