TWJ Community


By Mikaela Bagdanov

Every calendar year has two New Years. Everybody knows the one in January, where we look back at how we’ve changed in the past twelve months and look forward to how we’ll grow in the next twelve. The second New Year goes by another name: Summer Break. We celebrate our students’ maturity and achievements during the school year and anticipate their next growth journey. For many parents this year, Summer Break prepares a new adventure into the homeschooling realm. Thanks to recent pandemics, politics, and policies, the homeschool community now welcomes many public school parents into its guild of bold adventurers. Do not be mistaken, dear parent-educators, it is an adventure - the likes of which you’ve barely seen.

I worked as a classroom aide in a mainstream school during the distance learning years, and I witnessed teachers’ valiant efforts to maintain the familiar system. To the defense of my former colleagues, the familiar has its place and its purpose. However, the public school system seemed to me like a train track, where students follow a single, inflexible path to arrive at certain standards. My job was to help those students who learned outside the box to learn according to expectations. As a homeschooled student myself, let me tell you - we all learn outside the box. That is the beauty and the challenge of homeschooling.

If public schooling compares to a train track, then homeschooling relates to an all-terrain vehicle. It’s not the same method or experience as following a system. You are embarking on a journey, through murky forests and across scenic mountaintops. Before you lies the quest for your student’s education that will lead to places you never thought to explore. Like all adventurers, you need tools of flexibility and creativity as you uncover the hidden treasure in your students. Here in the homeschooling realm, you have the opportunity to teach outside the box - to follow your child’s pace, to seek out fun assignments, and to re-chart your curriculum as needed. What’s more, you have the resources of your fellow adventurers who have traversed this journey before you and of those who trek beside you.

Bold adventurer, this is a New Year. Look back at what you’ve learned about yourself and your child in public school. Take those lessons, yet also invite new approaches and novel perspectives. Enlist the help of guides to navigate those forests and the companionship of friends to climb those mountains with you. Watch your students grow into the expert life-adventurers you know they can become. Lastly...remember to enjoy the journey!


We have had so much fun meeting new families in the Carolinas and Tennessee! In June we have one more convention in Virginia on June 9-11. It excites us to have the opportunity to expand The Write Journey business to families across America. There are so many of you, and the numbers are growing daily. While on the one hand, these may be troubling times; on the other hand, these are exciting times as many families engage in their children’s education much more seriously than in the past. When we look for it, we can almost always find a silver lining – a blessing – in the midst of the storm and the turbulents that life sends our way.

You may already know that we are on a journey to partner with your family and your educational community to not only provide quality language arts instruction, but also to support you by building relationships. In a culture where many experience information overload, we bring the opportunity for relationship building. Here are some ways we do that:

  •  LIVE virtual classes for students of all ages

  •  Virtual TUTORING for students who benefit from one-on-one support

  •  Small group MENTORING for adults

  •  SPEAKERS to provide quality language arts instructionf or your

    educational community

  • Willingness to CREATIVELY explore unique ways to connect

The point is we value relationships because we recognize that no two individuals or groups are the same. We desire to bring our knowledge and experience to your educational community in a way that supports you the most. We do this through relationship and connection. We’d love for you to invite us to join you at your next co-op. If we can’t be there in person, we’d love to join you virtually. We invite you to start getting to know The Write Journey community.


As the weather settles into nicer days with ample sunshine and warmer temps, we encourage you to take some time to get outdoors. Do you know that whatever you do, you can find a learning opportunity? As adults, we get to explore new ways of experiencing education . . . we get to look through the lens of learning as we venture out beyond the walls of our school room or even our home. We encourage you to embrace the freedom that’s yours.

Connect with some friends or family while enjoying the beautiful weather. As we enter the last stretch of the school year, schedules may allow plentiful time to take a field trip or visit the local parks where learning opportunities abound. Here are a few ideas to consider:

  •  Visit your local downtown area

  •  Pack a picnic, and meet with another homeschool family at a park

  •  Find a trail that you can walk or hike

  •  Go out and find as many different types of flowering trees or wild flowers as


  •  Take a field trip to a nearby location, such as these excellent choices:

    • Science centers,

    •  nature preserves

    •  historic sites 

    • museums

  •  Set aside time to make something artistic. Invite friends to join you for added fun!

  •  Have a coffee date, and ask each other good questions. Pinterest has great

    conversation starter ideas.

  •  Have a cookout with another friend at a park, or invite someone over to your home. Grills work for lunchtime as well!

  •  While sitting in the sunshine, write a note to a family member or friend. You might even send a note to your teachers!

  •  Share your adventures to our social media pages, and show everyone what your family and groups do to spend quality time together learning.


In this world of cyber everything, we welcome you to our community – The Write Journey Community. Together we explore life. In particular, we explore “education”, and all that education encompasses: academics, character, critical thinking, creativity, inclusion, etc. Education encompasses ALL aspects of life because education is about learning. Consider this definition of education: “the imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning . . . “.

Perhaps we’ve come to think of education as something that happens “at school” – with “experts” “teaching” children and youth. But the past couple of years have challenged many to rethink the meaning of education, or at least to question the high calling of education, including who is best equipped to oversee your child’s educational experience. The world of education has been shaken up. I venture to say it’s still shaking for many individuals – adults and children alike. As a result, we choose to see new opportunities:

  •  Thinking outside the norms

  •  Pursuing balance

  •  Engaging a variety of platforms

  •  Validating the individual

 Perhaps most importantly: Finding our voice

These represent just a few of the opportunities we can choose to explore, as a result of the shaking . . . and even the breaking. We are here for you and your children. We are a part of the solution. We affirm your choices. We strive to show up responsibly for our children – your children.

At TWJ, we find excitement in the possibilities, as we partner with parents and educators to bring the absolute best language arts education to all children. With spring in the air, we plant the seeds of compassion, collaboration, and community as we consider defining “education” anew. Let the planting begin.

Educating together, Kris


Welcome to The Write Journey community! You may be checking us out for the first time, or perhaps you’ve been a part of our community for years. Either way, we welcome the opportunity to connect with you.

You may (or may not) be aware of the changes that we are working to bring you. Some of these changes include exploring new ways to connect with each other, as well as sticking with the tried and true ways. I hope you follow us on Instagram & Facebook. You can click the icons below to get to our social media pages!

Emily does an amazing job finding fun tidbits of educational information to share. For example, this week she introduced us to a new word: kuchisabishii. I would love to hear you try to even pronounce the word! It’s a Japanese word that means “when you’re not hungry, but you eat because your mouth is lonely”. Who can’t relate to that?! What an inviting opportunity to have fun learning with your children . . . from attempting to pronounce the word, to identifying what part of speech it is (verb), to using it in conversation. “I think I want to kuchisabishii right now. (Interpretation: I want to eat now, not because I’m hungry, but because my mouth is lonely.”) “Mom, can we kuchisabishii some cookies and milk?” “You may kuchisabishii, but be sure to eat healthy food.” Who knew learning could be so fun . . . and so funny.

As we build community, our creative ideas will spill over to others. As we share, we will experience just how fun and natural learning can be. In fact, once each year we offer fun enrichment classes online. If your children have never experienced any of our classes, now might be a great time to give that a try. We have just posted our enrichment classes for the spring, and everyone is welcome to join these classes. We have something for students in every learning level. Our enrichment classes are often designed to enrich the learning experience, but they do not require the same dedication to completing homework assignments as our reading and writing classes do. Take a look at our “spotlight” post or click below to learn more about our classes for more details about this exciting opportunity for your children.

I want to leave you with a challenge:

At least once this week, identify and write down one (or more) fun, unexpected learning opportunities your family experienced . . . and hopefully enjoyed. Then share those experiences with us and with your educational community and friends.

I believe you desire to create an educational learning environment in your home beginning today. We’re here to help you.