Creativity in the Ordinary Areas of Everyday Life

This month we are exploring creativity. I don’t know about you, but some of us (myself included) often don’t “feel like” creative people. Perhaps that’s because we compare ourselves to poets, artists, musicians, decoractors . . . you know the truly creative individuals. Then there’s me: plain Jane, Miss Practical, dutiful, simple . . . just not creative. Or so I thought. Then I read a book: The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer. Now I see creativity through a different lens.

Mrs. Schcaffer showed me that:

I AM CREATIVE . . . because I am created in the image of God!

I’m not sure I should comment further. Just stop and ponder that TRUTH. Those are words of life, being spoken into you and over you. I don’t need to know you to know that YOU ARE CREATIVE.

If you agree that this is TRUE, I invite you to take 5 minutes or less to send me a message at, and tell me in two or three sentences how YOU - as an image bearer of God - are creative. This is a challenge to affirm your creativity. Feed it so it will grow: little by little, blessing your family and your community.

When you send me a message, I’ll add your name to a drawing to win a free copy of The Hidden Art of Homemaking; then you’ll have a great book to add to your summer reading. You’ll learn how “‘hidden art’ is the art found in the ordinary areas of everyday life.”

Speaking life,