Getting into a Rhythm

Summertime is a wonderful break from the routine, and September is a wonderful step into rhythm. What do I mean by “step into rhythm”? Think of music. There is a wonderful consistency with music – at least with most music – that allows us to clap along, anticipating the beat . . . even dancing to the beat. While the note values vary, the rhythm is locked in: sometimes faster, sometimes slower, yet predictable. It keeps us moving. This is what September is all about: moving consistently.

Moving where?

  • Up out of bed to get the rhythm going

  • From room to room caring for our little treasures

  • Down on the sofa, taking much needed time to read (and rest) together

  • In and out of the car – to and from carefully selected activities

  • Stopping long enough to enjoy a meal all together at the end of the day

  • Dropping back into bed after a day full of dancing to the rhythms of family life

When we see ourselves busily “dancing” to a rhythm as we hurry about our dutiful lives, we feel encouraged. Exhaustion meets us at the end of the day, but the rhythm of the music gets us going again.