Lifestyle Habits that Develop a Love of Literature

Whether your children are in our classes or not, it’s September, and school has officially begun. Few would disagree that reading is a cornerstone of education, so let’s consider how to get off to a strong start with the reading habits we embrace. Here are some ideas to consider. This list is not designed to be a checklist – completing each item every day. This is simply a list of ideas about how you can ‘creatively’ ENJOY getting the most out of reading as a family.

  1. Start your day with enough time to eat breakfast together and have one of your older children read a Bible verse, poem, or fable of the day. The choice and the discipline to start the day sitting together might be quite daunting, but if you add some fun rewards, your children will be more inclined to join the fun. Positive verses, poems, or fables will also make for great conversation around the table.

  2. Let your very little ones read to you. Listen to them tell the story and change the inflection of their voices as they read. This is helping your toddlers develop a love of reading. They value the time together as well as the joy of the story.

  3. Ask your older children questions about what they are reading. This conversation can happen while driving in the car together, working in the kitchen or outside, sitting around the dinner table. No place is off-limits when it comes to asking your children questions about the books they are reading. (See our Blending Literature with Writing Guide for sample questions to ask about literature.)

  4. Reverse the roles. Every now and then have your children ask Mom and Dad questions about the books they are reading. Hmmm . . . what are YOU reading? Asking quality questions is a skill we must practice to learn it well. Model this; then watch your children practice following in your footsteps.

I’m guessing you also have some great ideas about weaving literature into your daily routine. We’d love to hear your ideas, so we invite you to join our Facebook group . A little bit of reading, followed by some great questions and conversations bring books to life. This is learning through lifestyle – the best kind of education.