Working Together to Find Success

One aspect of getting into a good rhythm is connecting with your children’s instructors – those to whom you have chosen to outsource a certain amount of instruction. We desire to walk alongside you and support you as you oversee your children’s education. That means we – The Write Journey instructors and administrators in partnership with you – will need to communicate regularly and understand our roles. The following suggestions often bring great results:

  1. Request a recording of our Orientation webinar (if you were not already able to attend) to learn how to work together with The Write Journey to create a calm and successful semester for your students. Kris discusses each person’s role in creating a successful class experience for you and your children.

  2. Your students’ instructors are going to be your first point of contact with us, so get comfortable connecting with them via texts, emails, phone calls, etc. You are likely already receiving emails from them. Look for weekly emails, and always reach out to them if you have questions or concerns about anything related to the class or to your students’ work.

  3. Assist your child with time management. Some children need more assistance and oversight than others, but this is an important part of your role at home. Students will perform best if they are working on their assignments a little bit each day of the school week.

  4. Carefully study any homework that is returned to your child with feedback from the instructor. It’s not enough for students to look at a grade. They must read the feedback carefully and make sure they understand the corrections and suggestions. You can help them with this.

When you are intentionally working on each of these aspects of connection, you and your child will have a wonderful experience learning. We are grateful to be a part of your educational journey.