Kris Speaks Life

A Season to Relax

It’s time to breathe. Time to relax. Time to soak in the sunshine. It’s summer (even if unofficially). Summertime means many things to many people, but I hope it means relaxing for all of us. I wonder: what does it mean to “relax”? After doing a quick Google search of the definition, I found this: to “make or become less tense or anxious”. Well that sounds amazing! But is that even possible as a busy mom with many children and teens in your care? Let’s consider the possibility:

  • Make a list of what triggers tense and anxious thoughts and feelings?

  • What on that list is optional?

  • What begins and ends with your thoughts?

  • What stems from “expectations”?

While tension and anxiety are like dust – annoying and always with us – perhaps with a little intentional work, we can limit the build up. Perhaps relaxing will mean a little less (or even a little more) order. Perhaps it will include choosing a posture of gratitude for many blessings, big and small. Perhaps relaxing will come when we let others off-the-hook, recognizing that they need some relaxation too.

Of course relaxation ebbs and flows with the seasons of our lives, but whatever age and stage of life, we have choices. I pray that this summer you enjoy a season of becoming less tense or anxious as you choose to relax and soak in the sunshine.

Speaking life, Kris

Feeling the Need for a Break in Your Routine?

Often, life is filled with routines and responsibilities, and we can find joy and pleasure even in the familiar. We may not call these routines and responsibilities “fun”, but we can learn to accomplish them with confidence and ease, and we can enjoy the results of a job well done. But now and then – even for the most “routine” of us – we do something different . . . something fun . . . something creative. For our students, this is their “Enrichment Project”.

After several weeks learning to write academic response writing paragraphs and essays, students get to practice a different type of writing – often a creative writing project:

  • Write an epilogue to the story

  • Write a letter to one of the characters

  • Create your own fantasy and decide the characters, setting, plot, climax, etc.

  • Write a newspaper article telling about one of the main events in the story

  • Create a brochure to promote a vacation destination to a place in the story

  • And so many more!!

What does a creative break in your routine look like? It could be anything. Create. Relax. Explore. Enjoy. Like our students who share their enrichment project with their classmates, share your “creative break” with someone: your co-op friends, your family, your community. No matter how simple, and seemingly silly, do it . . . and share it. We would love for you to share it with us too. The Write Journey Community loves to celebrate and share ideas and experiences together. Click here to join our Facebook group.

Speaking life, Kris


Thanks so, so, so much for taking a few minutes to read our newsletter. With endless information coming at you, I’m grateful you’re here with me for a few minutes.

Existing in community is not an option, yet we feel slammed and pressed from every angle with expectations from the communities we exist within. Is that true for you? Here at The Write Journey our desire is to partner with you to take just a little bit of the pressure that you are experiencing and help you do one or more of the following:

  • Get rid of it (because you don’t need it)

  • Process it (because it feels confusing)

  • Enjoy it (because life is about our journeys)

  • Master it (because occasionally some things are worth it)

When it comes to parenting, we wrestle to know which of those responses is appropriate at any given time. If you are a part of a community that gives you the freedom to choose any of the above options, you are blessed. Pour into that community. If you don’t have that type of community, I’m so glad you’re here. Through connections with TWJ, I trust you will find direction, support, information, and freedom to make the choices that work best for you and your children.

Education sits right at the top of the list of most important parental responsibilities. It’s easy to feel alone and overwhelmed. That’s why we are doing what we do: teaching you and your children to be great thinkers, communicators, and writers. These skills often bring success, so we – like you – value them. With TWJ community, you and your children won’t be alone on your journey to becoming great writers. We’re grateful that your educational journey includes connecting with us in community.

Speaking life, Kris


How many of us take time to learn from each other? I don’t know about you, but oftentimes I find my hours and minutes so filled with my thoughts, feelings, needs, and experiences that I neglect to engage with others. That means entering into their world and considering their struggles alongside their happiness. Not only can we enter into our friend’s and family’s lives, but we can enter into the lives of characters in books! As a community, we have learned much by living life alongside the characters in stories we read.

I admit, I oftentimes struggle to read for “pleasure” or “entertainment”, but when I do, I find so many benefits:

  • I engage my imagination

  • I learn about new places and experiences

  • I consider new ideas

  • I solve different problems (or I am reminded that I CAN’T solve all problems)

  • I meet new people

  • I consider life from other perspectives

  • I recognize universal truths about life

  • I find more gratitude

  • I think

  • I relax

Oh that we all would put down . . . you name it . . . the phone, the TV controls, the car keys, even the dishes and the vacuum . . . and relax with a great book! Just for a couple hours each week. Perhaps you already do this, and you need some affirmation. Entering into your characters’ world for a couple hours each week feeds your soul. Or perhaps you, like me, struggle to find the time and make reading for pleasure a priority in your life. Now is as good a time as any to make a choice to make pleasure reading a priority.

It’s often helpful to work together, afterall, that’s what “community” is all about. I would love to hear from you if you’re interested in a TWJ book club for adults - just reading a book together and meeting a couple times to discuss it. I’m always up for doing life “together”. Together we bring accountability and depth of insight. So send me a message (, and we’ll make a plan to enjoy reading “in community”. Or perhaps you’re already in a book club. I’d love to hear from you too.

Let’s hop on our TWJ Facebook group and encourage each other.

Speaking life, Kris


It’s December. I what wonder what that means for you:

  •  Crazy busy stress

  •  A welcome break in the routine

  •  A meaningful focus on priorities in life

  •  Fun, family, food

  •  $$$$$

  •  Time with the ones you love

  •  Oppressive expectations from others

 Etc., etc., etc.

I would love to hear what December brings for you. I hope it puts a smile on your face and a spark in your heart. I hope you are able to look and think past the hustle and bustle that may usher in anxiety, and instead choose to focus on the people and the opportunities in order that you might enjoy them – your loved ones, even strangers. But if it’s hard, perhaps a small shift in your perspective or your choices will help this year.

When I was homeschooling our four children, I eagerly awaited the arrival of December. Actually, if I’m being honest, I eagerly awaited the arrival of Thanksgiving because then everything in our household shifted for the remainder of the calendar year. How did it shift? I chose to set aside lists and focus on relaxation and heart-warming moments:

  •  Family movies together

  •  Crafts - even some homemade gifts

  •  Warm, soft, comfy clothes

  •  Sleepovers and staying up late and sleeping in

  •  Plenty of baking - all the family favorites along with an occasional attempt at

    something new

  •  Hot chocolate and toast

  •  Reading together and playing together (or alone for my introvert)

  •  Weaving in reminders about the true meaning of Christmas

  •  A beautiful Christmas choral concert that our children participated in

  •   And the climax was a week at Grandpa and Grandma’s home in the Sierra


BUT WAIT!!! What about school? Yes, we wove in a bit of reading and writing -- the fun stuff. And the children worked on math lessons “most” days. But the “learning” came naturally. Oh the memories … Now I get to enjoy the same heart-warming moments with my grandchildren.

The holiday season is a special time of year. I pray you find the things that warm your heart, and allow yourself to bask in the joy of the season – even in the midst of the busyness, and sometimes the chaos. Make simple choices that will create special memories as you embrace and enjoy the season. I promise, your children will “learn” much. Welcome December.

Speaking life, Kris